Why Us ?

Why Us?  





To impart education (knowledge and skills) to the young women in Home Science, Dip Health and Nutrition, Food Safety Inspector,ECCE,NTT,PTT,AAGANWADI WORKER,COMPUTER TRAINING and related areas.

To prepare students for various vocations & professions.

To develop self-confidence and personality of the students to face various life situations.




To impart knowledge and develop skill in various areas of Home Science.

To train them for various vocations and dealing with different life situations.

To give practical experience by industrial linkages and placement.

To develop potential and creativity among students and helping in solving academic and personal problem.

To educate students for identifying the needs of the disadvantage group of the society and working for their development.



Semester System.

Continuous Evaluation of theory & practical courses.

Counseling academic & personal.

Parent's involvement.

Co-curricular- Extracurricular activities.

Adhering to Academic Calendar

College library with internet facilities

Placement cell

Wi-Fi Campus.

Quality Objectives



To provide high quality & cost effective education at par with the best in the state and benchmark it regularly.


To assess strength and challenges in the area of Cognition, Emotion, Social Behavior & Personality of students.


To prepare students to cope up with challenges of life.


To develop the intellectual output, communication skills, critical thinking, Problem-solving attitude, Decision-making & Organization skills in students.


To Inculcate Human Values both ethical & aesthetic to sensitize students for a global and multicultural environment.


To develop skills in latest teaching techniques and strategies to face the challenges in education with confidence through latest trends in global education technology.


To nurture and expose inner potential in teacher trainees to blossom into an integrated person by developing their personality.